04 September 2023 Written by Published in News
IMJS Wins Bisnis Indonesia Financial Award 2023     PT Indomobil Multi Jasa Tbk (IMJS) is awarded as The Most Efficient Multifinance for multifinance go public category at the 2023 Bisnis Indonesia Financial Award (BIFA). Maureen Oktarita, Corporate Secretary of IMJS, attended the ceremony to receive the award that was held on Thursday, 24 August 2023 at The Westin Hotel Jakarta.   Carrying the theme "Financial Digitization: Inclusive and Sustainable", BIFA 2023 is a form of appreciation for banking, insurance and multi-finance industry players who have been able to survive, transform and maintain their performance following the Covid-19 pandemic. The scoring is seen in terms of financial performance and ability to increase efficiency, through quantitative and qualitative selection.     IMJS, which is also part of the Indomobil group, will continue its commitment to become a leading provider of financial and transportation solutions in Indonesia alongside its subsidiaries. This award is one of the encouragements for management and employees to provide better service in the future.
04 July 2023 Written by Published in News
Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham Tahunan Tahun Buku 2022PT Indomobil Multi Jasa Tbk PT Indomobil Multi Jasa Tbk (IMJ) telah selesai melaksanakan Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham Tahunan (RUPST) Tahun Buku 2022 pada Senin, 26 Juni 2023 bertempat di Indomobil Tower Jakarta. RUPST dihadiri secara langsung oleh anggota Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi IMJ, yaitu Komisaris Utama Soebronto Laras, Direktur Utama Jusak Kertowidjojo, Wakil Direktur Utama Gunawan Effendi, dan Direktur Andrew Nasuri. RUPST membahas beberapa hal diantaranya adalah persetujuan atas Laporan Tahunan Direksi, pengesahan atas Perhitungan Tahunan, penetapan cadangan laba, pembayaran dividen tunai, dan penunjukan Kantor Akuntan Publik untuk mengaudit pembukuan IMJ Tahun Buku 2023. Serta ditetapkannya kebijakan terkait remunerasi anggota Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris IMJ. Gelaran RUPST kemudian dilanjutkan dengan Public Expose, dipimpin oleh Direktur Utama Jusak Kertowidjojo yang memaparkan kinerja keuangan dan operasional perusahaan serta strategi bisnis dan rencana kerja di 2023. Pada 2022, IMJ mencatat perolehan pendapatan sebesar Rp4,8 triliun meningkat 19,46% dibandingkan dengan tahun sebelumnya dan laba bersih sebesar Rp91 miliar yang mengalami peningkatan signifikan dari tahun sebelumnya yaitu sebanyak 213,43%. Pencapaian tersebut ditopang dari pendapatan di segmen jasa keuangan dan sewa kendaraan. Total Aset dan Total Liabilitas IMJ pada 2022 tercatat masing-masing sebesar Rp26,9 triliun dan Rp22,5 triliun.…
07 February 2023 Written by Published in News
PT Seino Indomobil Logistics Received Three Awards As The Best Transporter Of PT Unilever Indonesia, Tbk.   Bogor, 7 February 2023—PT Seino Indomobil Logistics (SIL), the largest logistic company in Indonesia, a subsidiary of Indomobil Group, received three awards from PT Unilever Indonesia, Tbk. (Unilever), a well-known FMCG company in Indonesia. These awards were given during the Unilever Logistic Vendor Workshop 2023, held on 7-8 February 2023 in Unilever Mega Mendung Learning Center Bogor. Unilever Logistic Vendor Workshop is an annual event, which due to the pandemic Covid-19 was postponed in 2021 and 2022. With the current condition, Unilever finally held this event to gather all vendors, especially logistic vendors, with the main agenda being Performance Review and 2023 Business Update.     SIL, represented by Mr. Hengky Irawan, Marketing Manager SIL received three awards from Unilever namely Top Vendor Performance 2022, Best Safety Performance 2022 – Transport, and Best Service Performance 2022 – Transport. All these awards were given to SIL as an appreciation for the best services and support provided by SIL for Unilever. SIL’s commitment in giving the best services and safe services is proven by the Best Safety Performance and Best Service Performance awards.      …
27 October 2022 Written by Published in News
Sinergy of Three World Class Enterprises, IndoPenske Offers the Most Reliable and Trusted Commercial Vehicle Rent   • Indorent, subsidiary of Indomobil Group, collaborates with Penske Truck Leasing, USA and Mitsui & Co., Ltd., Japan in establishing a commercial vehicles rental company in Indonesia• “One Stop Shopping” service, giving peace-of-mind to customers anytime and anywhere.• Offering wide range of commercial vehicles starting from pick-up trucks, light trucks, medium trucks up to heavy duty trucks.• IndoPenske, the leading commercial vehicles rental company, committed to ensure the quality of vehicles and vehicle readiness in the best condition. Jakarta, 27 October 2022 – Indorent, one of the largest car rental company in Indonesia, a subsidiary of Indomobil Group, announces a strategic partnership with the largest commercial vehicles rental and leasing company from the United States, Penske Truck Leasing, USA and, Mitsui & Co., Ltd., Japan, a global trading and investment company with a diversified business portfolio. The three companies form a joint venture,IndoPenske, to offer the best and most trusted commercial vehicles rental services in Indonesia. The relatively stable economy in Indonesia with the growth of 5.44 percent in Q2/2022, serves a huge business potential in Indonesia. With the improving situation of Covid-19…
30 July 2022 Written by Published in News
Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham Tahunan Tahun Buku 2021PT Indomobil Multi Jasa Tbk   PT Indomobil Multi Jasa Tbk (IMJ) telah melaksanakan Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham Tahunan (RUPST) untuk Tahun Buku 2021 pada Rabu, 27 Juli 2022 bertempat di Indomobil Tower Jakarta. RUPST dihadiri langsung oleh Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi IMJ, yaitu Komisaris Utama Soebronto Laras, Direktur Utama Jusak Kertowidjojo, Wakil Direktur Utama Gunawan Effendi, dan Direktur Andrew Nasuri. Dalam RUPST, IMJ membahas beberapa hal, antara lain adalah persetujuan atas Laporan Tahunan Direksi, pengesahan atas Perhitungan Tahunan, dan penetapan penggunaan laba bersih serta pembagian dividen kepada para pemegang saham. Selain itu, IMJ juga menunjuk Agus Hasan Pura Anggawijaya sebagai Komisaris Independen yang baru menggantikan Tan Lian Soei. Gelaran RUPST kemudian dilanjutkan dengan Public Expose yang memaparkan kinerja keuangan dan operasional perusahaan pada 2021 dan kuartal I 2022 serta rencana kerja 2022 oleh Direktur Utama Jusak Kertowidjojo. Pada 2021, IMJ membukukan pendapatan sebesar Rp4,04 triliun dimana 60,66% berasal dari segmen sewa kendaraan dan bisnis terkait, sedangkan 39,34% berasal dari segmen jasa keuangan. Pada kuartal I 2022, laba bruto IMJ meningkat 64,81% dari kuartal I 2021 sebesar Rp330 miliar menjadi Rp545 miliar dimana segmen jasa keuangan berkontribusi sebesar 59,08% dan segmen sewa kendaraan…
25 July 2022 Written by Published in News
RAYAKAN HUT KE-35, INDORENT SIAP MELAJU LEBIH JAUH   PT CSM Corporatama (Indorent), anak perusahaan PT Indomobil Multi Jasa Tbk. merayakan ulang tahunnya yang ke-35 pada 13 Juli 2022 lalu. Acara perayaan diselenggarakan secara hybrid, yaitu luring bertempat di Indomobil Tower dihadiri oleh jajaran Manajemen dan daring melalui aplikasi Zoom Meeting diikuti oleh segenap karyawan Indorent yang berada di cabang.   Karyawan Indorent mengikuti acara perayaan HUT ke-35 secara daring.   Harry Pramono, Chief Executive Officer Indorent menyampaikan ucapan terima kasih dan rasa bangganya kepada seluruh karyawan atas kerja keras yang telah diberikan sehingga Indorent dapat meraih berbagai pencapaian. “Indorent saat ini telah memiliki sertifikat ISO 9001 dan segera akan memperoleh sertifikat ISO 450001. Kedepannya, Indorent bersiap menjalankan sejumlah strategi agar dapat mencapai tujuan yang lebih besar”, ungkap Harry dalam sambutannya.   Harry menambahkan bahwa untuk dapat melaju lebih jauh dibutuhkan kerja sama yang sangat baik dalam semua aspek. Tak lupa beliau juga mengingatkan kepada seluruh jajaran dan karyawannya agar lebih semangat, semakin disiplin dan saling mendukung antar semua bagian.   Jusak Kertowidjojo, Komisaris Utama Indorent.   Turut hadir dalam acara adalah Jusak Kertowidjojo, Komisaris Utama Indorent. Dalam sambutannya, Jusak menyampaikan harapannya akan perkembangan perusahaan untuk menjadi lebih besar dan…
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22 June 2022 Written by Published in News
Growth of PT Indomobil Multi Jasa Tbk Supported by the Growth of PT CSM Corporatama Post Covid-19 Pandemic   Even with the Covid-19 pandemic situation in Indonesia in 2020 and 2021, PT Indomobil Multi Jasa Tbk (IMJ) kept showing positive growth. This positive growth was supported by the growth of PT CSM Corporatama (CSM), in which 99.99% owned by IMJ.   CSM focus on providing car rental services (B2B Rental) and logistics services, especially logistics for FMCG industries. Currently, CSM is the third largest rental company in Indonesia, and the largest logistics solution provider in Indonesia (according to Independent Market Research conducted by Frost & Sullivan in 2022). In the Q1 of 2022, CSM contribute positive impact to the profitability of IMJ, by booking revenue of 714 billion IDR and EBITDA of 380 billion IDR.   Both rental segment and logistics segment contribute positive growth to the CSM and IMJ as shown on the graph below: Figure 1 – Growth of CSM’s Revenue (in billion IDR)   Positive growth on the revenue is supported by the loyal customers of CSM, trusting their car rental needs and logistics needs to CSM, and also supported by the competitive advantages owned by CSM.…