Internal Audit

Unit Audit Internal

The Company has formed an Internal Audit Unit based on the Internal Audit Charter which covers the foundation of the formation, membership and scope of duties and responsibilities. The formulation of the Internal Audit Charter is designed with reference to Regulation No. IX.I.7, the Appendix of Bapepam-LK's Decision Letter No. KEP 496/BL/2008 dated 28 November 2008 concerning the Formulation and Manual of Establishing Internal Audit Unit Charter. According to the Internal Audit Charter, the scope of duties and responsibilities of the Internal Audit Unit are as follows:

  1. To formulate and to implement the plan of annual Internal Audit;
  2. To perform the audit against the operational activities according to the procedures and the implementation of internal control;
  3. To draft an audit report and present it to Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners;
  4. To conduct monitoring and evaluation over the audit findings and present the recommendations for improvements over fraud or violation found;
  5. To present recommendations about improvements and objective information about the audited activities at all management levels;
  6. To cooperate with the Audit Committee (in providing information, data and audit findings together with the external auditor);
  7. To design an evaluation program for internal audit activities;
  8. To perform special task relating to internal control implementation as assigned by President Director.

While conducting internal audit activities, the Internal Audit Unit conducts a review over the risk aspect which will be further treated as audit priorities. The results of the audit will recommend the Internal Audit Unit to execute more in-depth analysis. Afterward, the Internal Audit Unit will develop it before it finally comes to the conclusion whether further investigation is required or not to collect more detailed information related to the audited work unit.While conducting internal audit activities, the Internal Audit Unit conducts a review over the risk aspect which will be further treated as audit priorities. The results of the audit will recommend the Internal Audit Unit to execute more in-depth analysis. Afterward, the Internal Audit Unit will develop it before it finally comes to the conclusion whether further investigation is required or not to collect more detailed information related to the audited work unit.

For audit findings that require improvement, internal auditors and external auditors will recommend follow-up activities and oversee its implementation. However, for the audit findings that require further discussion, the Internal Audit Unit will report it for later discussion with the members of the Board of Directors in order to find the right solutions.

Membership & Structure of Internal Audit Unit

The Internal Audit Unit reports directly to the President Director and cooperates with the Audit Committee in performing its duties.

Heribertus Wahyu Anggono

Head of Internal Audit

Internal Audit

This unit is led by an Internal Audit Unit Head who is assisted by several qualified members. The Company has appointed Heribertus Wahyu Anggono to hold the position of Head of Company’s Internal Audit based on Decree of Dismissal and Appointment of Head of Internal Audit of PT Indomobil Multi Jasa Tbk issued by the Board of Directors on 10 December 2015. Heribertus Wahyu Anggono obtained Bachelor of Economics from Atmajaya University in year 1996. He has joined the Indomobil Group since 2002.

Internal Control

The Company implements internal controls within the Company environment as a part of its risk management strategy and as a part of its effort to develop an effective internal control framework. The Company in this case implements internal controls, inter alia, to the Company's financial reporting and compliance of the Company with laws and regulations. Implementation of internal control is expected to strengthen the implementation of corporate governance in the corporate environment. To ensure the effectiveness of the implementation of such internal controls, the Company calls for participation from various parties, from management level to employees, to implement activities and procedures stipulated by the company in accordance with its functions and authority and with high integrity.